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There are many websites like where you can find courses and tutorials for popular software applications and IT tools. They usually come in the form of a textbook and you will get access to a knowledge data base that is useful even for people with some IT knowledge. Download free Lectures Notes, Papers and eBooks related to programming, computer science, web design, mobile app development, software engineering, networking, databases, information technology and many more. Download Free PDF EPUB Books. Home; Medicine; Programming; Education; Business-Economics; Home; Medicine; Programming; Education; Business-Economics. Book Name: Programming & Software Development Author: Valmir Doniku ISBN-10: Year: 2020 Pages: 368 Language: English File size: 17.4 MB File format: PDF. Programming & Software Development Book Description.

Lion of Babylon or Asad Babil (Arabic: أسد بابل) is the name given to a project of the Ba'athist-era Iraqi army to locally produce the Soviet T-72 tank during the late-1980s. Initially depicted as a female deity in Sumerian times, when it was called Lamma, it was later depicted from Assyrian times as a hybrid of a human, bird, and either a bull or lion—specifically having a human head, the body of a bull or a lion, and bird wings, under the name Lamassu. In some writings, it is portrayed to represent a female deity. The lion symbolizes power and the Babylonians believed that it was Ishtar that gave them their glory. Robert Koldewey extensively excavated Nebuchadnezzars Babylon beginning in 1899 and the Deutsche Orientgesellschaft. Lion of babylon pic. In the Babylonian Zodiac, the constellation we now know as Leo, was once called UR.GU.LA, which literally translates as “Great Carnivore.” In ancient times, the celestial lion gained prominence in the Mesopotamian sky just as the dry, deadly summer was reaching its peak.

multiple authors | Computer & Internet
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An introduction to internet marketing. Inside this eBook you will find topics about what is internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, Article Marketing, email Marketing, Blog Marketing, Pay per Click Marketing (PPC), Search engine optimization , Pop up ads, banner ads, Social media Marketing and..

Fanpage Dollars

Imran Naseem | Computer & Internet
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Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood online. Learn how to make hunreds of dollars from Facebook fanpages - the complete blueprint. Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about creating your fanpage, traffic generation techniques, tagging, ad creator tool, monetization techniques and lot more which haven't much changed in new era of..

Under $500 Gaming PC Setup - Step by Step

Antonio Patrick | Computer & Internet
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We dealt with everyone's burning question about what the best PC for $499 is. Commentfree christian resources & downloads. We walked through the parts told you our reasoning and sent it out to the wilds of the internet. However we are not done yet, we don't just recommend a PC full of parts and call it a day.

100 Game Design Tips and Tricks

Wlad Marhulets | Computer & Internet
Rating: Rated: 2 times
Format: PDF

My name is Wlad Marhulets, and I’m the developer of DARQ - an award-winning game. I wanted to share with you some tips & tricks about game design I’ve learned over the years while working on my first game (which to my surprise became #42 most shared PC Video Game of 2019, according to..

Microsoft Power Apps - A Getting Started Guide

Paul Barnett | Computer & Internet
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Microsoft Power Apps allows you to build mobile apps that can target the unique needs of your business. With Microsoft Power Apps you can create apps for your mobile phone or tablet device such as an iPad. Examples are an invoicing app, help-desk, booking system etc. In this Microsoft Power Apps..

28 Trends on Social Media

Taylor Ryan | Computer & Internet
Rating: Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub

The social media landscape is changing rapidly. New technology, trends, and events shape how we see it nad us it in pour lives. At Klint marketing, we collected 28 approved trends of social media for this year. Explore what the newest trends the platforms, advertisers, and users are looking..

Learn Python Programming Fundamentals: A Beginner’s Guide [Updated 2020]

Simpliv | Computer & Internet
Rating: Rated: 4 times
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Python is one of the powerful, high-level, easy to learn programming language that provides a huge number of applications. Some of its features, such as being object-oriented and open-source, having numerous IDE’s, etc. make it one of the most in-demand programming languages of the present IT..

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The Internet Ideology - From A as in Advertising to Z as in Zipcar

Massimo Moruzzi | Business
Rating: Rated: 2 times
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Free Programming Books Pdf

Regardless of the question, the Internet is the answer.We are told that the Internet and the market are the solution to every kind of problem. But is it true? Will Big Data help us understand the world? Is the Internet really on the side of democracy? Does it make sense to make gamify everything..

Progress in U.S. Government Information Technology

Michael Erbschloe | Computer & Internet
Rating: Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub, Kindle, TXT

This eBook covers U.S. Government activities in Big Data, Quantum Computing, Blockchain Technology, Cloud Computing, The Internet of Things, Additive Manufacturing, Telemedicine and Telehealth, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), Facial Recognition Technology, Artificial intelligence (AI)..

The 'Get It Done In An Hour' Guide To Cryptocurrencies: Step-by-step guides to understanding, buying and storing popular

Nick King | Computer & Internet
Rating: Rated: 1 times
Format: PDF, ePub

You’ve heard of cryptocurrencies. They’re those computery coins that people began talking about as their prices seemed to explode overnight, turning a bunch of geeks into instant millionaires. Depending on whom you ask, cryptocurrencies are either the beginning of a technological revolution, a..


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